Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday Readers Story

Dear Abbey,

Wow, from the little entry it started as, well, it's grown.

I think that you are an amazing being, just from the wisdom that you share, the advice that you offer and the fact that you care. Something, in this day and age is rare. As a "cutter" of 6 years myself, I can empathasise with so many of these people.

It's hard, recently things have been getting worse, but my biggest help and safety is my partner. He will encorage me to talk it all through, even if I don't want to, my god, is he determined.

But I didn't comment to talk about me, I just wanted to say thank you Abbey, for giving some people a place to voice their thoughts, feelings and emotions without fear. Just providing a safe place.

As posted by "tiarra" earlier"Just Listen, Listen with not just your ears, Listen with your eyes, your mind, your emotions but most importantly LISTEN WITH YOUR HEART to the silent cries of those who need you the most."

Love SR

Posted April 4, 2008

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Self Harm & Suicide

  • The relationship between self-harm and suicide is complex. Most commonly the motivation for self-harming behaviour is to cope with, or to gain a sense of relief from painful emotions and distressing personal experiences, not to result in death.

  • Any action that is deliberately intended to cause death is best regarded as a suicide attempt.vii Any deliberate attempt on one’s life that results in death is best understood to be a suicide.

  • Since most self-harm experts agree that self-harm and suicide are distinct and separate acts, some have suggested that self-harm should be established as an independent clinical syndromeviii.

  • According to published research, more than half of individuals who self-harm do not have suicidal thoughts at the time of self-harm and self-harm has been described as a way to avoid suicideix. In one studyx a participant reported that her self-harming behaviours helped her to feel more ‘in control’ whereas her suicidal behaviour occurred when she felt out of control.

  • This being said, acts of self-harm need to be taken seriously. Individuals who self-harm may be considered at higher risk of further, more severe self-harm and later suicidexi. Self-harm and suicide attempts can be performed by the same individual – and in some cases the intent may not be completely clear. A British studyxii observed that 16% of people who self-harm repeat their self-harm within one year and 7% suicide within nine years.

  • Regardless of the specific intent in any single instance, acts of self-harm or attempted suicide reflect a degree of emotional distress by an individual that requires skilled assessment and support.

[taken from: Mind Frame]

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Who are the kids who self-harm?

An Australian self-report school survey

Authors: Diego De Leo and Travis S Heller

Monday, February 16, 2009

A Life You'll Never Know

I have to see my blood
I have to know my heart
I have to feel the flood
That flows to keep us apart

I have to taste the salt
I have to cry the tears
I have to know its my fault
I have to face my fears

I have to feel the pain
I have to see the colour
I have to hid the stain
For it must remain undercover

I have to blame myself
I have to use the blade
I know I need no help
Sooner or later the cuts will fade

I have to deal with things in my way
I have no choice
Look at them and hear what I say
These cuts are my voice

I have to tell you go get away from me
I have to tell you to go
I have to make you see
A life you'll never know.
[Poem: Anon, Icet]

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Saturday, February 14, 2009

She's back!

Hey everyone,

Im back after 8 weeks. . . not sure how healthy I am but I want to try and write through it, so will start working on my blog again . . .

Sorry about the delay in writing . . .

may take me a week or so to get up to speed but I'll do my best to get around and visit after that... Ive missed whats happening and saying Hi, hope your all safe and healthy...

Love to all