Friday, March 6, 2009

What Depression Feels Like

The following is a description of how I feel when I'm going through a depressed period. It is not how I feel most of the time.

Useless: When I get depressed, I feel useless. I have this feeling that everything I've ever done is worthless, and that anything I'll ever do will be equally worthless. I feel like nothing I do matters. When I do try to accomplish something, I feel like it isn't good enough no matter how hard I work on it. Even worse, I feel like everybody is aware of my failure, and I feel incredibly guilty for being a failure. I look at my lazy housekeeping and feel like a failure as a homemaker. I mentally replay all of the mistakes I've made with my kids, and I feel like a failure as a mother. I look at my body and feel like a failure as a wife because I'm not as attractive as I'd like to be. My self-esteem plummets, and I feel like a burden on my poor husband.

Tired: When I get depressed, I'm too tired to do anything. Everything feels like an overwhelming task, even getting dressed or brushing my teeth. If somebody tries to convince me to do anything, I feel guilty for not wanting to comply and resentful at the idea that they would ask me to do anything when I'm feeling so tired. Along with my physical fatigue I feel mentally fatigued. I have to force myself to do everything I do.

Irrational: When I get depressed, I have a hard time thinking. Problem solving is difficult, even for little things like adding two numbers or figuring out which tool to use to complete a task. I react to situation emotionally rather than logically, so I end up making mistakes I regret. I lose my temper with my kids and pets when they don't follow the family rules, and I start yelling at them rather than logically disciplining them. In extreme cases of depression, I may even think about running away or suicide even though I don't plan on doing either.

Unsocial: When I get depressed, I don't want to socialize even though I realize that it probably would be good for me to get around other people and lift my spirits.

Stuck: When I get depressed, I feel like I'm trapped, stuck in this pit of worthlessness. While I'm trapped, I feel like life is passing me by. I sometimes think that things will never get better.



Laura said...

That list is all too familiar to me.

musik-addikt said...

hugs to you babe,

sums me up to. i'm well and truely stuck at the mo.
am putting some new writing up on my blog if you want somethiing to read.


Anonymous said...

Hey Drifter, it is familiar for so many people I believe... some will talk of it... others just battle with it....

A constant fight against oneself is exhausting...

Anonymous said...

Hey little chick...

Stuck, oh how it can turn into quick sand, the more one struggles .. the deeper one goes...hang in there love...

I did a quick drop by ... but will come back tonight when Ive finished work... missed you babe....x

Anonymous said...

Oh I know these feelings. The crazy part is, everyone tells us to just do it, stop thinking and get out there and one will feel better. The problem is, getting out there feels like the most insurmountable task of all.

Anonymous said...

Its amazing how many relate Meena, and you have it 100% correct, insurmountable.. and others telling you to 'just get over it' doesnt help at all.

Thanks for relating :)

Anonymous said...

It is true, you don't get it till you been through it.