Friday, August 1, 2008

Friday Readers Story

Anonymous said...

I am 19 years old, and I've been cutting myself since I was 15. My boyfriend at the time committed suicide, which I think I read someone else on here has been through, and it is really hard. I was there, when he did it, so I never really got over it. I tried to kill myself twice before my next birthday. I have his name cut into my arm. I met and got into a relationship with another guy, that ended up being an abusive relationship.

That went on for..almost two years. I came out of that with a daughter (born at 25 wks), and several more scars.I recently attempted suicide again and was diagnosed as bipolar, as well as suffering from PTSD, which I now have medication for. I think the reason I do it, (I still do it) is because when I do it, and I bleed, it just..I don't me a physical reason for the pain, which kind of helps..

But, I am trying, /trying/ to work past it, so I can be there for my kids, and my soon to be husband.I don't know why I felt like I needed to go into that here, but I dunno, maybe it'll help someone.
January 19, 2008


Anonymous said...

Hi there Anonymous,

I think that by writing you will definitely help others, its by talking and honesty that we can understand ... as it is complex, we are all different but the main message I am getting is that, for you its a release from emotional pain...

and the sentence you write...'trying to work past it' is very real, yes it is a part of one, it is a way to cope...but it can eventually become a 'past' way...I thank you for your honesty about where you are at, and you seem to have real motivation and strength...keep going with working through it...and drop back in an let me know how you are getting Abbey
[Jan 19, 08]