Friday, August 22, 2008

Fridays Readers Story

Anonymous said...
I'm 19, i started cutting when i was about 14. it started as a peer pressure thing, it was 'cool' within my group of friends. My parents then moved me from America to Scotland, at 16 so my schooling was interrupted, I had to leave all my friends and relationships behind. This plunged me into a state of depression and I started to cut as a way to 'feel' the mental pain I was going to. every day, all up and down my legs.

My guidance counsellor at school found out when my well meaning friend found out and went to find my help. Instead of helping me my guidance counsellor thought it would be much more fun to black mail me into psychiatric help, and letting the entire school know and making things even worse. as I spoke to my shrink I learnt different ways to cope (I have since stopped cutting and live with my boyfriend and attend university, after getting my life back on track) but my guidance counsellor got bored hearing how well I was improving, and told my parents i was mentally deranged. they were hurt and confused, I took me a while to get back their trust, and it damaged my relationships with my siblings dramatically, setting me back in my recovery.

I just wanted to let people know, that even with people trying to set you back, when your ready to stop, you will. but only you can make that choice, no one can make you stop, eventually you just will, some thing else will take its place. don't let any one drag u down.


Anonymous said...

Hi Anonymous
You highlight an area that I feel strongly about. Yes counselling can be brilliant but sometimes it can be detrimental. If at all anyone doesnt feel 'safe', listened to, held in positive regard by their counsellor...then change, shop around, talk to others on who they reccommend. This is especially important (though definitely harder) if you are a teen. You are the consumer, you have the power, though often we dont feel it...Dont settle for second best you are important.

Glad you are doing well now, with new b/f and Uni...Love the last line... 'Don't Let Anyone Drag You Down!'