Sunday, November 9, 2008

And Breathe...

This works for me when the world gets too hectic... just throw my arms back, look up and breathe .... helps put things in perspective & no one can touch me ... What works for you?


saasha said...

that's a beautiful quote and pic. unfortunately, nothing as postive and helpfulworks for me, the self-destructive coping of a self harmer...


Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean MM... before I worked damn hard on myself, I swapped harming (sounds trite doesnt it, like swapping shoes) but basically I met and fell in love with a man who at a young age wanted to please more than life... the harming I hid, and gradually drugs took its place, and I managed to hide that from him also although it did kill our marriage....

Alone, harming and drugs went hand in hand for a long time... eventually it was just drugs....

It has taken 10yrs plus to get to the place I am, Ive tried every therapy, guru,medication, religion, concept... to become as strong as I now am... but I am also well aware that to return is only a self destructive gesture away...

I had to fake 'positive thinking' for a long time... Ive stood in front of mirrors saying 'you are a beautiful human being (inner voice screaming 'yeah right') somewhere the inner voice quitened... the other critical thing was to place myself with positive people...If someone is not good for my soul now they are gone...I cant go back and I put myself & my mental health before anyone... Selfish eh! but I like

find what works for you MM, or like me 'Fake it Till Ya Make It'

musik-addikt said...

I put on my ipod and put the song Scarlet by Brooke Fraser, or Need You Here by Hillsong on repeat.


saasha said...

thanks for sharing, sounds tough, i know it is...

stay strong,


Anonymous said...

Music, are it soothes the savage Beast Muzik... but sometimes I can dance out of a mood, if that makes helps physically tire me which is always good...

Anonymous said...

I got on a bit of a roll MM, tough? probably at the time it was, but I was also fighting the fear of change...I find now many things are as tough as I choose to let them be...