Thursday, November 6, 2008

Negative Self-talk & Your Self-esteem

Self image is how we see ourselves, and how we think others see us. Self image plays a HUGE role in how we behave and feel.

Q: What is self esteem?

A: Self-esteem is our internal feelings and evaluation of ourselves based on our "perceived" self-image.

Self-esteem and self image are closely inter-related. And, are largely based on our feedback while growing-up (parents, peers, other important figures).

Fact: it takes about 20 positive statements ABOUT OURSELVES (the foundation of our self-image---self-esteem) to counter-act even just 1 negative personal statement!

Here's the difficult part: it doesn't take a continual repetition of negative statements from our parents, peers, and others throughout our childhood to cause low self-image-self-esteem...fact is, once we get a couple in our head, we can use them over and over again. Again and again we take those false negatives and repeat them unconsciously (completely unaware). It's like having a constant heckler with you.

Can counseling help? Most definitely. Negative self-talk is a big problem that most counselors are able to help with using a cognitive-behavioral counseling approach. We need to replace negative self-talk with positive self-talk we're willing to let ourselves accept. You can't draw on a chalkboard if there's an eraser following close behind. That's what negative self-talk erases the good, and replenishes it with bad.


Anonymous said...

I'm new here landed up searching blogs on resources on Self Esteem. cool blog you have here, keep it up. and its nice to be here. i'll be back some time later for more updates.Thanks for sharing with us....

Anonymous said...

Hi Michael, thanks heaps for the compliment, it means alot and we would love to have you back...

Self Esteem, mmmm be you a Harmer or an average person we call all do with work on that one & it is work but can be done...:)