Friday, November 21, 2008

Fridays Readers Story

Anonymous said...

This one goes out to Daisy who posted on the 5th December 2007.

I hope she sees it.

Daisy, you giving into temptation doesn't make you weak and dumb. I harm mainly for the same reasons as yourself. You feel the need to convert your emotional pain to physical pain where you can truly feel it (at least, that is what I understood from your comment).

I think you should find someone to talk to - be it a good counsellor, a relative or a friend/boyfriend/girlfriend that you can talk openly too, cry in front of, show them the things you've done and trust them with your life - know that they won't tell a soul on this planet unless you tell them to.

OR find a site (such as this one) where you can post regularly and have people try to help you. Sometimes not knowing someone very well makes it easier because they can't tell anyone you know.

As for things at school (i don't know where you live but where I am we have uniforms) but if it is a school where you wear your own clothes and people are saying things about your style - forget them they're scared of what is different from them. If they are saying anything about you at all FORGET THEM! Chances are what they say isn't true. Instead walk right by with your head held high, don't let them see that it gets to you otherwise - they'll keep at you. If it does just try your best not to let it show and they might stop. (if that's the case) If that isn't well I've tried to help you.

This has been long especially as I literally just found this website.

Take care Daisy and try to find someone you can talk to. It really, really helps knowing that you can open up to someone. Anytime you feel the urge to hurt yourself you should try to talk to that someone that I hope you find and can trust.

A lot of this advice goes to anyone in general. Giving into temptation does not make you weak or dumb or stupid! Don't let any one's words affect you and change who you are. Remember - people are only scared of what's different, what's unique and what's extraordinary! Don't let them make you scared of yourself for being a brilliant person.

I hope this (very long!) comment hopes at least one person out there. If it does I'd be ever so happy to know I've helped someone.

Hugs to all those that need/want them =] Be strong and never lose sight of goals you have in life - no matter what.

The people that run this site are doing a brilliant job. Keep it up!


Anonymous said...

Welcome AJ and thanks for your words for Daisy...

Your right, so much of adolescents is about finding your place where you fit it... and often it is the creative, the gentle, the unique who suffer the most from other peoples opinions... It takes confidence to be yourself and not take on board others crap...

dont worry that your comment is long as its not an easy topic to condense into a few sentences and we appreciate your input...Love Abs