As I begin to shake off the grey of the past two months, I look back and it was an inevitable slide. The H.A.L.T acronym taught to me, never get too HUNGRY, ANGRY, LONELY, TIRED as my 'quick check' never even got a look in. Hungry I'm not good at, I eat spasmodically at the best of times, Tired, is often a given with shift work, but instead of resting on days off, Ive been off the Richter.. mainly walking, but where some take the dog for a brisk walk, I can trek for 5 hours (not good) ... as the two months progressed I isolated more (well I was walking the beach...lol) but seriously I withdraw from phones, people, the outside. So mix in the lonely... Angry (tis not my nature) ahhhh but its ugly step sister Depressed?
Bingo ... The trouble is get in this state & you cant see the bleeding obvious....
So my goal for the following week, is to be active in my own well being, listen to my body, regain at least a sleep pattern, and eat more regularly, healthy is not a concern as normally my nutrition is but with more regularity will be my focus. Sounds like simple stuff... but believe me its the basics I can screw up & overlook.
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