Hey,I'm 16 years old and I cut myself - mainly because its the only way I can feel pain. Sounds weird, I know, but because I have so much mental pain in my head I can't feel it, I feel that the only way I can feel it is by having physical pain inflicted on me.I stopped cutting for over 6 months, and then about a month ago, things at school got so bad that I couldn't stop myself from cutting myself. I feel so weak and dumb now. Does the fact that I gave into temptation make me a weak, stupid person??? I think it does. I've tried to kill myself once, and all I can thing about is myself hanging from a tree. I get images and they scare me.
December 5, 2007
i can definitely relate to what you are going through. when i was 11 i started cutting. but from Aug of 05 til Feb of 07 i didn't self-harm whatsoever. i stopped cutting/burning/drinking/and using drugs. i was ''clean'' for quite some time. however the beginning of this year it was all to much to take.
i had attempted to commit suicide, but i made it through. i lived in treatment housing for several months. I've been home a few months now and have [for the most part] stayed positive and healthy. i will continue to have my slip-ups and so will you. it's never really gone for good. but no matter what happens, the only thing keeping it from becoming a part of your life again. is how you deal with it. Not ignore. But Deal.
Yes, cutting is and always will be a temptation. and Yes you had a weak *moment*. but you didn't set your future in stone with that weak moment. and you are NOT, by any means a weak or stupid person. no matter how many moments of weakness you have, you will never be week or stupid as long as you acknowledge what happened.
even though i have made it a considerable amount of time without cutting. i don't put my goal at ex.[6months/8months/1year/10years.] of not cutting. b/c that would be so hard to obtain. everyday i set myself the goal to not cut today. or to deal with my problems first so i don't feel the need to cut. eventually, i didn't need to remind myself anymore because i established it into my daily life. Keep Strong.
Hi Daisy, I cant say much more than Gale (thanks for that...x). As Gayle says your not a weak person, just moments where you have used cutting to cope. The fact that you made it to this site and shared shows strength. The fact that you got 6 months up shows incredible stregth
I'm not sure what country you are in, but there are sites out there that can help
http://www.selfharm.net/ is pretty comprehensive & http://www.selfharm.org.uk is specifically for young people.
I used a similar strategy as Gale, and committed to just for today. Long term goals just seem way to incredible for me...but i committed to it, no matter what it took or what I was dealing with I kept chanting that in my head (just for today I wont hurt myself)...Sometimes I had to break that down to hours or 10 mins, but i kept saying it, and talking to others with the same issue, I also had a counselor I trusted so that helped with the head shit.Each day I got through built up strength.
Hang in there and get back to us...Love Abbey...x
Hi Daisy,
I'm a friend of Abbey's, my name is Kylie. I know what you are going through must be really scary. I think talking about it with someone you trust is a great start to keeping yourself safe. You are most definately not weak or stupid, just sometimes when people are hurting they do things to take that hurt away. I would also encourage you to check out www.reachout.com.au which is a fantastic australian site with lots of fact sheets. The great thing about reachout is that it is all written by young people like yourself.
Take care, and reach out for help when you need it, we all need a hand to get through touhg times sometimes,
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