Monday, July 28, 2008

Honoring Yourself

Set some time aside just for you each week. It could be 30 minutes for a coffee to a whole day of bush-walking up a mountain lol. Set yourself a budget and make sure you set aside the money. If you have no money, think of something that is free. Do something that honors and nurtures you. It could be the same thing every week, it could be something new each time. It could be by yourself, or with a friend. If you are stuck for ideas, think about what you would organize for a friend or someone else you love.

How about these ideas (approximate budget in brackets)....

  • Go out for coffee and cake - take your favorite book, or read the newspapers at the cafe ($10)
  • Take yourself to the movies ($10)
  • Have a bath - pour in oils and bubbles ($4 - $10)
  • Visit the library and find a favorite book, or something that could be a new favorite (free)
  • Eat your lunch under a tree or in a park (free after you have got your lunch)
  • Ask a friend over for coffee and a laugh ($4 inc a packet of chocolate biscuits)
  • Watch a sunset/sunrise (free)
  • Walk along a beach (free)
  • Hire a dvd - make popcorn and hot chocolate and settle yourself down ($4 - $10)
  • Sleep in (free)
  • Walk bare foot on dewy grass (free)
  • Treat yourself and cook your favorite meal ($ depends on your tastes lol)
  • Write thank you letters to someone like a shop assistant who gave excellent service or the woman down the road who always waves when you go by - leave it anonymous
You only limit is your imagination :-)


Tinoneetiger said...

Sometimes with the rush of life, family and work we forget to nurture ourselves and then wonder why we are so rundown.

I love this site, there is so much information here, great work.