Sunday, June 22, 2008

Afirmations 101

One of the ways to change negative, self-defeating attitudes about yourself is to begin to say affirmations....

The word 'affirm' means to 'assert to be true'.

Initially you may find that saying positive things about yourself difficult to do as your ego will want to continue with the negative self-defeating thinking you have had up to now in your life....and in a sense your ego has a vested interest in continuing to 'be right' and won't want to change the way you think about yourself.

An indication of this is that you may notice some resistance when you first read over or speak a positive affirmation. Know, that the resistance that surfaces is an indication of the degree of work that is ahead for you in order to change your current negative self-defeating patterns of thinking and attitudes.

Therefore it can be useful to preface an affirmation with
"I am willing to
e.g .... love myself....."
as this doesn't seem to create the same level of resistance as saying for example
"I love myself...."

A reminder to you is that the most important or 'core relationship' in your life starts with the relationship you have with yourself. It is a tragedy to go through life having a negative relationship with yourself. As I have been known to say, when speaking about self-esteem, 'like it or lump it', who you are is who you are.

Be open to giving the affirmations 'a go', ...know that it does take some practice to change your old negative patterns of thinking but when you do you will find that the way you experience yourself and your life will improve for the better.

[taken in part: Creative Wellness]