Thursday, June 12, 2008

Reasons NOT to Self-Harm

Deciding to stop self-harm is a very personal decision. You may think about it for a long time before you decide that you're ready to commit to a life without something you have depended on . Here are some reasons, that in reflection, I can relate to stopping.

Because you're somebody!
Because you're a beautiful person inside and out.
Because you didn't deserve what happened to you.
Because you do not want the scars to last forever as a reminder of your past.
Because self-harm doesn't heal the pain it only delays it.
Because by quitting you are mending another important stage in your Healing Process.
Because you are already hurting enough as it is.
Because it may hurt your loved ones as well.
Because you do not deserve to feel guilty any longer.
Because your life is worth everything.

Its about finding your own way to say to yourself ...

'I don't deserve this anymore, I never did.'
Let me know if you relate or have other motivations ... x

[taken from Voices Of Strength]
Image:Not Really Alone by ~


Alison said...

Abbey, I've been reading this blog almost since you started and your posts have always given me something to think about, even if I couldn't find the right words to comment.
Your reasons NOT to self harm are beautiful.
My struggle with self harm was quite a few years ago now, but I still remember the hurting and the confusion. For me it was also an attempt to find my body again, after living from the neck up for too long.
My stopping SH happened around the same time I started talking to someone about my emotional pain. When that was acknowledged, I felt like my pain was still visible and real without the scars.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your beautiful feedback Alison.

Somewhere in this blog I will share my story (though I need to speak with my grown son first... I dont want him to read such personal things about me first on the I related to all you said so eloquently here.

I agree with what you say about stopping. Sharing & talking with someone (can be so hard as trust is involved & not the forte of a SH'er) is cruicial to dealing with, normalising, understanding the core of the emotional pain.

For me also it has been a daily process and I think any real healing I have done has been in the past 10yrs. I have the gift of time to now look back and understand the initial trauma(without resentment & anger) and the teenager & then adult I became.

And you are so true in saying its a struggle both at the time and in recovery ... as you are battling yourself, and its hard to 'outwit' that alone ...

Thanks for sharing your story with me Alison, it often takes courage and I very much appreciate it.. I hope with time to build a site that others too feel safe to share & find information that helps...Ta Alison.... Abz...x