I have self harmed once in the past. I have a history of sexual abuse and the first time I self harmed was because I allowed a stranger to be sexually intimate with me - some crazy way of me proving to myself that I wasn't afraid of sex, that I was capable of engaging and enjoying sexual relationships. Needless to say I was terrified, and wasn't ready that at all, and I self-harmed to deal with all the emotions. But recently stuff has been building up and the urge to go back to that place of cutting is becoming stronger and stronger as more and more crap compounds itself into the already limited space of what I can handle.
But to speak to the post, there is also stigma that comes with self-harming - that people do it for attention, they do it because they want to die, etc. And I believe the first step to effectively helping the people that use this coping mechanism is to erase the stigma and stereotypes and realize that it is a cry for help, often times the only way of expressing a pain so great, a pain for which there are no words.
Just Listen
Listen with not just your ears,
Listen with your eyes, your mind, your emotions but most importantly LISTEN WITH YOUR HEART
to the silent cries of those who need you the most.
[Feb 27, 2008: Taken from Random1]
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