Friday, July 25, 2008

Friday Readers Story

Hi my name is Jay Jay,

I started cutting at the end of 7th grade and now am in 8th. I did it off and on. I did it really bad on night when i was so mad. then it wouldn't stop bleeding. I told my dad and I showed him. He said it didn't need medical treatment. But then he started crying. That hurt me a lot more than anything.

But then he asked why. At that point I was like ' Well because i am sad and I wish i had my mom.' she has been locked up for like 5 years. I get really sad and don't know how to handle it. Then now I go to counseling and I am doing better. I still think about it so much but then I look at the scars and just break down. So that stops me a lot of times.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jay Jay...Keep talking to your Dad, and talking to your counsellor...he can give you strategies to handle missing your mother...5 yrs is along time at your age, do you know when she will be out, are you able to phone her, visit or you say with the counselling your doing better...I dont know your story but the loss of your mum is hard, but you can cope, your a strong person, for having written & shared...for telling your dad you needed help when you were bleeding...if you like to come back and talk feel free..

read through the other comments and there are places on the net you can share and get information...

Take care Jay Jay & thanks ...x
[Jan 16, 2008]