Monday, July 7, 2008

So Who Are You?

Okay there are many, many memes that circulate through the blogosphere and while this may look like one, it's not. Call it a self checklist - and it can be as private or as public as you want it to be.

If something needs to be changed tomorrow, then feel very free - this is all yours. And you can do it once, or you could make a point of doing them regularly (one a month, a couple of times a year, etc) or when you are in a particular mood - whatever works for you.

Name ......................
4 adjectives (describing words) ......................
Brother/sister of ......................
Who loves ......................
Who feels ......................
Who finds happiness in ......................
Who needs ......................
Who gives ......................
Who fears ......................
Who would like to see ......................
Who enjoys ......................
Who likes to ......................
Who lives ......................
Who would like to be ......................

What things on the list do you like? What bits would you like to change? If you gave it to your best friend (or someone else who knows you) do you think they would give the same answers?

I do these lists regularly and I almost always keep my lists - that way I can look back on them to see how I have changed and it helps to develop some goals for things I might want to do today, this week or this year.

It is also handy when, on the days that have gone pear-shaped to look back and remind myself of the things that make me happy, the things I like about myself and any other positives I may have written down.

I got the checklist from the Children, Youth and Women's Health Service.