I feel loved by my brother, I don't have a close family and he rang for my advice with his son, It felt nice. I've been working on boundaries, identifying the things, the people, the relationships I want in my life. Ive been reconnecting with people from my past, cutting off those who are not good for my soul.
I've been working on myself, not sleeping as much, getting up earlier, small things like nails, hair. Ive gotten my new tattoo. I'm getting outside with the hound and walking. Tasting, smelling, living in the moment. Making committments with friends and keeping them. Being honest with my Dr about where my head and meds are at.
Ive been away from the computer & am making an effort use a (goddam) phone. Each night Ive rang 1 person who Ive not talked to for a while. This is hard for me. If Im not at work I tend to isolate at home. Weeks can go buy without me being with friends or family, because I don't need people its often hard for me to understand they may need me in their life.
I've been laughing alot, enjoying the fact that others need me in their life. So this is a good period ...
Image:No Angel by =Lunay
Sounds like you're getting healthy!
I too tend to isolate myself. I have 5 kids and 6 grandkids, though, so I'm not in much danger of becoming a total hermit.
I like the honesty on your blog: refreshing and always a good read.
Being healthy ebbs and flows Dreamer but Im doing ok this week. Kids are great for getting you out of yourself. My eldest has flown the nest and I hope he waits a little for grandchildren.
But I know what you mean. Im not sure how it is for you, but if I isolate and retreat (there is a difference with just enjoying some peace alone) if I isolate I go into my head to much and my mood plummets....
Thank you for your last comment, thats beautiful to hear ... :)
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