Monday, November 17, 2008

An Emergency Box

This is an awesome idea I came across whilst browsing the net one day…and no, it’s not another name for a first aid kit! It’s a box you can whip out in an emergency chock full of happy, fun and exciting things which you can look at to distract yourself from all those self harm urges.

Get yourself a shoe box, gift box, cardboard box, cereal box and cram it full of:

  1. Photos of family, loved ones, friends, pets…etc…
  2. Crossword Puzzles, word searches, suduko puzzles…
  3. CDs of relaxing music…
  4. A small journal with pens, colouring pencils and crayons…
  5. Letters from family, loved ones, friends, pets…etc…
  6. A list of reasons not to self harm…
  7. Pictures and magazine clippings you like…
  8. Chocolate :p

Basically anything which, upon ripping open that box will make you smile and laugh and feel all gooey inside enough to eradicate those evil self-harm ideas from your head. You see once you’ve got that box in place you can then let others know about it, friends and family who are helping you cope, then this way they can…

  1. Hide letters in there which you don’t know about…
  2. Secreat little presents in there…
  3. Fill it with your favourite candy or sweets…

So then whenever you feel like self harming you can actually end up feeling pretty good instead.

[Thanks to Addy]