a) The classic “stout rubber band” – i.e.; attach a rubber band around your wrist as if it were a bracelet and when things get tough FLICK IT HARD!! Bloody hurts, doesn’t do any major damage, and you can make it look like you’re just playing/fiddling.
b) Bag of Frozen Peas – hadn’t thought of this one until someone at the hospital mentioned it. Again, when the urge strikes, grab a bag of frozen peas and hold it. Really does hurt more than you think! And again, no damage, awesome.
c) Take a very hot or very cold shower – I’ve done this one a lot, and it really helps (plus, gets you clean – and naked – always a bonus!)

d) Chew something with a very strong taste such as chili or ginger root.
e) Beat the living shit out of a pillow! God this can help relieve stress! I mean it; just spank the living daylights out of the thing. You won’t be harming yourself, or someone else, both bonuses!
f) Distract yourself. It’s a tough one this because when I get into the self-harm mode it’s hard for me to focus on something else, but this does work. Have a bubble bath and read a book, listen to music, dance, sing, jive, boogey, write, something! It’s great if you have a friend to call, give them a ring and just chat about anything, even if they don’t know about the self harm just talking to someone about anything can take your mind off things. Or if they know you self-harm, see if they can come over for a while to help take your mind off things. Most friends are willing to do this if they’re able. You could always check out a list of ways to distract yourself here…
g) Lastly for today, if it’s the blood which you need to see grab yourself a red texta and draw your own wound!
This is best used with one of the other examples above, but maybe not all at the same time, eh?
I run, till Im physically exhausted and cant take another step.. great ideas
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