I write 5 websites, each dealing with specific areas eg, one personal, one private, one on my Great Dane dogs, one on children. This one I write gets the least comments, the least feedback but the one I am most passionate about.
Does anyone even read it, I just dont know, should I continue it? Why am I? Is it of interest to anyone? or just a random collection of information that no body reads? Does anyone really care that children and many adults are hurting and coping in anyway they can or is it only those who the butterfly of self harms wings have touched who care. These are the thoughts that fill my mind but ones I have no answer for.
I read this blog and really enjoy it. If your writing reaches and touches only one person then mark it as a marvelous successful. Hang in there and don't give up.
I read this blog almost everyday hun, if there's no new posts I jsut go back through the older ones - I always learn something, either about myslef or about self-harm.
i would comment back to more posts but the slowness of my internet makes that almost impossible!
thinking of you
massive hugz
Your right Drifter...just been one hell of a month and feeling low...how you going with the smoke reduction..now there is a challenge...
I was aiming for a post a day Muzik..but life got in the way (doesnt it always..lol) but thank you for your kind words... I think Ive gotten away from the beginning with the research papers etc, away from the empowerment and self help, so I will float back that way next week...
Hang in there with you net...i was on a friends last week and it took 1/2 an hour to load a page...grrr
I forget how lucky i am at times :)
pssst... thanks you two you gave me a second breath of wind .... :)
i hope that the lack of comments has not left you too disheartened darl, now that i have found this blog i will be visting it at least once a day, if only to read the reasearch and articles and posts. i hope you haven't given up on it, i too am passionate about this topic, and i will one day hopefully be able to make a difference to someone affected by this. i am going to work in psychiatry. i could never know too much about this very important aspect...
Hi MM... well I did keep going and as Drifter says if one person relates than that is a blessing..
I guess I write from experience, write from a work focus. I get frustrated by the level of angry young girls out there, with no way to harness that let alone understand where there anger is coming from... (before you all write and say 'what about boys?' I totally agree but as a woman, and in a work capacity it is young women with self harm I most come in contact with.
I like that you are going into this area with a view to understanding... sounds wacky but so many professionals dont...
Thanks heaps for the positive feedback & the hugs n' bugs, I do appreciate it very much.
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