Ive been wandering blogland today. Its cold and stormy here so I snuggled up with a coffee and read.
So many, at least 80% that Ive read, are going through some emotional turmoil, heartbreak, arguments, moving home. Others are talking of deep issues such as rape, domestic abuse, anorexia.
This isn't from this site, which most are amazingly positive given the topic, but posts by average people trying to get a handle on life issues. Some angry, some sad but all with a high level of emotional purging. Perhaps its the anonymity of the internet, or perhaps its relating to others posting that gives the prompt to write their own. All the commentors on these posts have been positive, understanding and empowering.
I guess I just wanted to say I think your brave and brilliant to write as you do. I admire and envy that. Tis not something Ive allowed myself to do, nor would find easy. And to all those who are reading, relating, offering support how beautiful of you to take the time to acknowledge the pain in another. There are some beautifully strong people out there.....
[*Reposted From Random]
I am grateful for our friendship, and it gets to feel very special when we can communicate knowing we are sooo far apart.
In this world, we listen and we both get a chance to speak, without interruptions and human emotions.
very interesting hu?
Thank you for being so cool with me and commenting my friend...
"In this world, we listen and we both get a chance to speak, without interruptions and human emotions."
What do you mean by this Jesse? I understood the first part...
Awe you are easy to be cool with Jesse...my pleasure
What a wonderful post.
Thanks Drifter... theres alot of amazing people out there
I find you to be one of those amazing people.Additionally, your blogs are absolutely beautiful Where do you locate the photos?? Thanks for being who you are.
Thank you dear Linda...
Here are some sites. Pixdaus, deviantART & Worth1000. Otherwise google image search. I try and credit where I can and often an image search leads me to places unknown. I use Pixdaus to scroll through often when Im stressed and I tend to loose myself in the photographs.
Good hunting...x
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