Tasha + Kay said...
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Fridays Readers Story
Posted by Anonymous at 7:48 PM
Labels: FridayReaderStory, grief, Natasha+Kay
- Anonymous said...
First, thank you both for your beautiful words, they mean alot to me...
Hi Kayleigh..
I wish I did have words to explain or to help heal. Baby I dont know why people are taken from us, & i understand the anguish you feel as its so hard when its a baby or child. The fact your cousin wanted her just like you tells me you are loved and respected.
Yes so many deaths are traumatic and you are dealing with it the best you can, anger is ok..but for now try not to turn it in on yourself. Your mum may not feel the same level of grief as you and thats ok, your feelings are your own..
Try and get someone you can talk these things out with. It is hard as I am so far away, but you will need help to get through all this..
I wish I had the answers...some of my own traumas Ive had to accept that some things just are... God it was hard to do but it was important for me to understand I may never have all the answers..
Stay safe baby - November 6, 2008 at 11:08 PM
This is just Kayleigh at the moment.
Me and my friend Natasha posted a comment a few mins ago thanking Abby for her kindness..she made me feel safer and happy but now all of that has gone.
Ive just had a phone call off my Nana telling me my cuzans baby girl, Daisy has died. She was 3 weeks old and there wasnt any thing wrong with her. It has took us all by surprise. I loved her to death. My cuzan wanted her to be just like me and it felt like she was the little sister i have always wanted.
Daisy May Lakin..3 Weeks old :(
It might sound like im seeking attention but im not..im seeking answers..answers to help me deal with ANOTHER family death.
There are many questions i want answering but i want the answer to the question evey one in my position wants an answer to..Why me?
Why my family?
What did we ever do?
Thats the answer.
No one can ever do some thing so bad that half there family dies in a year.
My mother is a christian and i was once until all of this. They arnt from my mothers side of the family so she dosent feel the pain ad sad ness but they are still part of my family as they are from my dads side so it will effect me more then her.
Every now and again i become happy, it surprises me until i look down at the gashes in my wrist and across my legs and i then remember why i did it.
Maybe if i didnt self harm i wpuldnt have to marks to remin me so often but whn i dont i feel like i have the world on my shoulders o i self harm to let out all my anger, stress and sadness.
I want answers.!.
Love Kayleigh..x