But I am indebted to the artist who conceived this work. The photo allowed many to write and voice their opinions, questions, life experiences for others to read. The post created almost 80 comments, which no other has done.
Because it was a post and not an actual blog it was hard for me to consistently monitor so I have created space here.
I hope that others will continue to come and share their feelings and experiences. I also hope to include some inspirational tit-bits I find on the net, photography and perhaps build up a collection of links that will add to what I myself and you know. I want it to be a positive, shared site.
I will try to answer all comments that you leave, and feel free to leave them anonymously if that makes you feel safe. I want to try to make this as interactive and supportive as possible so this will be your site as much as mine but I have waffled long enough.lol...if you have ideas or suggestions on what you would like in a blog let me know.
Self harm - as related to children, adolescents, and older teens - does this relate to the suicide levels that are becoming more prevalent in the older generations ( and maybe for the same reasons/ motives)??
What a wonderful space for people just to 'be' ...
Hi Robert, I'll try to answer your questions as best i can. You have two misconceptions here. The first is that self harm (SH)is limitted to the age group of 'children, adolescents and older teens' this is when SH is taken on, however many are still cutting etc as late adults...
It can in no way be linked to the suicide rates of older people. Suicide and SH are two distinctly different things. Although SH can end in death (accidental) the process is not to end life, but a coping mechanism for emotional pain.
If I can use an example you may relate to, some people use alcohol to numb emotional pain or trauma...there intention however is not to die in an alcohol related death.
Again I can't guess as to the 'reasons/motives being the same as they are individual to each person....
Thanks for your comment & question ... myths and misconceptions about SH are areas I want to address in further posts...
Hi MG... your comment shows geninue care and understanding ... how often we can't just 'be' through our own fears, life experiences, sense of self ...Its such a compliment that you feel the space here promotes that ...
I look forward to your input as the site grows... Thank you ...x
Would tend to question the difference between self harm and suicide in some respects - suicide seems to me to be the final form of self harm (I know of 2 suicides and 1 failled attempt of people close to my circle of friends and aquaitenances- not counting the large number that I know of in this area from work colleagues-) {Please consider that I dont personally know of any self harm instances, tho they must be happening}
Robert I can understand your confusion between the two terms as you are not a SH'er,I could go into more depth, however this is a site for SH not suicide & you will just have to take my word on this one.
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